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Some of my favorite projects

Here, you'll find a glimpse into my journey through the world of data analysis. Each project represents a unique challenge and an opportunity to leverage data to drive informed decision-making.

If you'd like to learn more about these projects or discuss potential collaborations, please feel free to reach out.

Statistical Analysis


The bedrock of my data analysis! It goes beyond the raw numbers for me, as I try to detect patterns, make predictions, and test hypotheses. In a world flooded with data, statistical analysis helps me uncover meaningful insights from complex datasets.


A picture is worth a thousand words! Meaningful and compelling visualizations help communicate the results of data discoveries effectively. With Power BI and Tableau, I create stunning dashboards, work with data models, and perform data transformations for business scenarios.



With SQL, Python and R in my toolset, I get to use my problem-solving superpower to do so much more in less time. In my projects, I extract, transform and load data with essential tools like Matplotlib, Spyder, Jupyter, Pandas, NumPy and more to solve business problems.


Every data analyst needs spreadsheets in their arsenal. Even in data science, smaller datasets are processed quicker in Excel rather than in Python, R, or SQL. In my Excel projects, I perform multi-layered calculations, visualize data, manipulate data, analyze data, look up functions, and more!

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